Congratulations to Mayor John Stutz, who was acclaimed on nomination day.  This is great for John , and a tribute to his hard work in the past term.  It's also great for the 10 council candidates, because we'll collectively get more air time to discuss the issues than we would if there was a mayoral race going on. 

And congratulations to the 10 council candidates for making the decision to run.  This is a tremendous commitment of time and energy, and I think all these folks deserve our thanks for their interest in serving the community.   The official list will be available this afternoon on

Lots of buzz at Town Hall this morning as candidates went in to hand in their nomination papers.  It was super to see the interest from the newspapers!  Everyone's anxious to know who the council candidates are, and whether Mayor Stutz has been acclaimed.

This weekend is an exciting ramp-up to nomination day on Monday.  I'm planning an almost paperless campaign, and I'm really enjoying the options offered by all the technology that wasn't available last time I did this.  Of course, the human factor is always what makes the difference.  In the case of this website and blog, that essential expertise has been provided by Ann Dahlberg Toohey, who has been amazingly fast at her work and amazingly patient with me.  Thank you so much for your help, Ann! 

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