A couple of days ago, the CBC had a story about some research done by the University of Calgary.  Apparently, kids who live in newer subdivisions spend less time playing outside, because of the car-oriented design of those subdivisions.

Well, I wish the researchers could have seen  Sulphur Court last evening.  Kids playing in the cul-de-sac, dogs being walked, dads chatting in the driveways, the mouth-watering scent of dinner wafting from the kitchen windows -- it was great! 

At the doors, I got into lots of discussions about debt and even more about the proposed parkade.  Thanks to everyone who took time out of your dinner hour to chat with me, and thanks for all the encouragement!  I'm including some thoughts below about these two big discussion issues.

On debt:  frequently, we read in the paper that the increases in building costs outweigh the cost of borrowing.  "Build now," we're told, "because it will cost more to build in the future".  I think that this argument is a good one when what you're building is essential.  I've got no argument with the borrowing that was done for Banff Avenue downtown reconstruction.  Essential road work and utility replacements are worth borrowing for, if your capital reserves aren't up to the task.  A pedestrian bridge or a second parkade -- not so much, at the present time.  It's like borrowing to buy a house to live in versus borrowing to buy a summer cottage.

On a second parkade:  here are some thoughts I presented at the Community Plan review:

Parking is a multi-faceted issue.  First, it is an issue of way-finding.  When I come downtown by car, I can almost always find parking within a block of my destination.  I'll bet you can, too.  If we can do that, and visitors can’t, then we have a way-finding issue.  I’m delighted to see that way-finding improvement is an objective of the new community plan. 

Next, parking is an issue of reasonably balancing needs and demand.  It is unreasonable to expect that everyone will be able to find a parking spot within a block of his/her destination on July 1.  With that in mind, do we really have a capacity problem?  This summer, I watched the spaces indicator on the Bear Street parkade every time I passed it.  I saw it under 50 stalls of availability four times.  I understand that the Cascade Plaza parkade had space all summer. Yet this summer was probably as demanding a situation as we are likely to face in the life of the plan.   

Let’s not make decisions for the sake of four days a year.  We can “increase facilities”, not through additional stalls, but through the way-finding objective that is already in the plan and through the ways we manage existing parking to ensure efficient use. 

It was a busy evening in Middle Springs!  I was door-knocking in the downhill half of Middle Springs 1, and Marilyn Bell and her cheerful team were doing the same for John Gibson's campaign.  Marilyn and I are Grizzly Street neighbours, so it was fun to run into her on the campaign trail.  And everyone in Middle Springs was very nice about being "campaigned at" twice in one evening! 

As always, there were interesting conversations at doors, in front halls, in kitchens.  Tonight's chats centred around concern over debt, ideas about the pedestrian bridge, and the need for some lights along the heavily used wooded trail from the Admin Grounds to Middle Springs. 

I spent an interesting hour at Town Hall this afternoon, along with fellow candidates John Gibson, Grant Canning and Erich Mende, watching Council grapple with some of the updates to the Community Plan.

I was delighted that they chose to add a clear reference to the commercial growth cap.  This will help anyone who reads the plan understand the unique context of our community.

I was also really pleased that they included a reference to the management of noise.  They have not yet chosen an indicator to go with this goal, but it seems to me that "numbers of noise complaints" might be one good measure!

In spite of low clouds and the threat of rain, I enjoyed going door to door in the upper half of Middle Springs I.  With the gloomy weather, a few more people were at home today.  Several new topics came up in discussions at the door:  creating a balance of viewpoints on council, having an overall vision and strategy for the town, and having strong environmental programs.

 When I reached Kim and Mandy's place, I was delighted to hear from them that Arlene Rheaume has stepped in to fill the third vacancy on School Board.  Having a strong school board is always important, but especially during the present major planning exercise.  Congratulations and thanks to Kim Bater, Sheila Snowsell, and to Arlene for being willing to serve our community -- I know they will do a wonderful job of representing the needs of Banff schools, parents and students at this critical time.

What a beautiful fall day -- just perfect for strolling around Valleyview.  I had a great time going door to door, seeing old friends and meeting new people. 

 For those of you that weren't home, sorry I missed you, but I'm glad you were out enjoying the day!  I hope you found the sticky notes on your doors with my website address.

I had some interesting conversations:  signage in town, the pedestrian bridge, and traffic closures for race events were the subjects of the day.Â