Glen, Riverview, and the start of Cave

Moving right along, I visited approximately 55 doors this week.  What did people have to say on Glen Avenue, in Riverview Court, and at the downtown end of Cave Avenue?

First, here are the top items that people are happy about:  the new look of Banff Avenue, the recycling efforts, and the courteous and helpful reactions they get when they deal with Town staff.

Individual households mentioned liking:

  • everything!
  • the planned pedestrian bridge
  • the new Fox/Banff lighted crosswalk
  • the paving of Glen Avenue
  • the wayfinding plans
  • the Town's efforts on housing
  • the new posters that have been designed to publicize the fines for late night noise, vandalism, graffiti
  • Council meetings - "interesting and informative" (!)

The most frequently mentioned issue was traffic congestion on the bridge and on Banff Avenue, which came up in one form or another at several doors.  Several people also mentioned late night noise as a concern.  Issues, concerns and questions included:

  • a need for speed control on Cave
  • a need for controlling the speed of taxis on Glen, and the presence of taxis on Kootenay
  • a wish for more bylaw enforcement in general -- more "boots on the street"
  • a request to hold occasional Council meetings in the evening, to encourage public attendance
  • a request for the BHC to build more single family homes
  • suggestions to improve the existing traffic bridge:  a metal railing between sidewalk and traffic (to make the pedestrians feel safer), increasing support underneath so that traffic lanes can be increased
  • concerns about Banff Avenue:  sightlines related to the clump of conifers at Banff/Buffalo in front of the Beaujolais (this came up at two doors), the mid-block crosswalks (at four doors), timing of lights, use or lack of use of advanced arrows, the median in front of the Legion
  • a request to stop doing construction for a year and give everyone a breather.
  • a concern about driftwood piled up against the piers of the bridge
  • a request to be more careful with spending
  • a concern that Banff Live sent the wrong message, that we don't want to brand ourselves as a "party town", that the money could have been used to finish off the median in front of the Legion.
  • three requests not to go ahead with the pedestrian bridge project in the proposed location
  • a concern about busses idling near residences
  • a request for more downtown parking