Monday evening on Glen Crescent
Tue, 10/07/2008 - 15:03
Here's the word from the doorsteps of Glen Crescent ...
What do people like? Several households mentioned the new look of Banff Avenue. Individual households mentioned:
- fixing the infrastructure downtown
- the planned realignment of the intersection at Wolf and Lynx
- the new wayfinding plan
- keeping the town clean and tidy
- the work to improve walking and riding for people at a variety of fitness levels
- the skateboard park
What were people concerned about? Three households mentioned the need to keep a handle on spending and keep the town staffing establishment lean and efficient. Individual households mentioned the following:
- the need for a vision -- what is the town about?
- a request to not duplicate the work of the tourism bureau
- a request to see the elected representatives quoted more often as the spokespersons of the town
- a request for a downtown parkade
- a suggestion to repurpose the horse carriage parking on Banff Avenue in the wintertime, and use the space at that time for a handicapped stall
- a request for advance communication about upcoming decisions, to allow townspeople time to comment, coupled with a suggestion that this might diminish the need for consultants