What happened next …

I know I'm not supposed to bombard you with emails, but maybe just this once ... there was so much interest in the various topics in my email update that I decided to do a followup on what happened ...


Because I received several interesting and thoughtful comments on why it's hard to see/remember these crosswalks, and what we can do to improve them, I copied all the comments into one email which I sent off to the Town staff who are working on the Banff Avenue project.  I took your names off, because I wanted to respect your privacy.


As you know, the question of how much the Town should do to try to set standards for day homes was a hot topic.  However, with the help of some additional information from the staff, we've ended up with a bylaw that I believe strikes a good balance.  Here's how it works -- if you apply for a Family Day Home (that is, you're affiliated with the provincially approved Day Home Agency in Canmore, and you have to follow their standards) then all development permit fees are waived by the town, and your business licence will be covered by the Agency.  As well, parents using an approved Family Day Home get their fees subsidized by the province.  On the other hand, if you apply for a Private Babysitting Service, which is not subject to the Agency, then all the fees apply and there is no subsidy.

I think this is a good approach, because it will encourage interested operators to become Day Homes, with all the standards in place, and that helps to cover the concerns about doing the best job we can for the children. 

I have to say, though, that I have really been reminded throughout this process that parents really have to know and be involved with their child care provider.  In the end, the parents are the ones most responsible for the maintenance of standards. 


In the end, sections 63 and 64 remained as they were -- I guess my points about the light hand of responsible democracy and treating people based on their actual behaviour (vs. what you think they're going to do ) were not convincing enough.  It's fortunate that we have such great police and bylaw folks here so that we can trust them to apply this section with discretion.


Council passed a motion that we will consider more than one advance polling day, and that one of those days will be at least a week ahead of the election.  Because town staff strongly recommended staying with Town Hall as a location, we agreed that -- rather than requiring a move -- all pictures and text items that relate to a candidate or an election issue will be removed or covered during voting times.

And that's "what happened next"!  Remember to let me know if you have a place near you (such as Lost Camper Avenue) where people have trouble with wayfinding.