Less than a week to go

The campaigning continues to be interesting!  Many thanks to everyone who has supported an ad, to the hard-working door-knocking volunteers, and to all of you who have welcomed me so kindly at your doors.

First and foremost, the important dates for you to remember:

  • *Tonight*:  the School Board candidates' forum at the YW at 7 pm
  • *Tomorrow* (Wednesday) from 10 am to 8 pm, advance poll at the Banff Springs Convention Centre
  • Thursday from 7 pm to 10 pm at the BPL, the all-candidates' forum
  • Monday, October 18th, vote at Town Hall from 10 am to 8 pm

This is a big week.  Besides doing my normal council work and committee meetings, I'm preparing for the forum on Thursday night.  It's at the Banff Park Lodge at 7 pm -- I hope to see you there.  What a challenge, to try to shoe-horn everything I'd like to say into a 2-minute intro and a 2-minute closing, while preparing for a question period that could cover every aspect of the town's business.

And speaking of shoe-horning, I just finished writing a summary of my election platform for the Outlook -- they gave each of us 175 words (!) to state our case.  Watch for the candidates' statements in the Thursday paper.

Tomorrow morning, I go to the Grade 6 class at Banff Elementary.  Students will be doing the interview -- I'm expecting some tough questions there, as well!

The weekend will be the final round of door-knocking, and then election day.  Then -- if I get elected -- the hard work begins again!