Hello everyone:

What a privilege it was to attend the Remembrance Day service and wreath-laying today.  It was great to see how many Banffites, young and old, wanted to participate.  Hats off to the organizers, who worked hard to make this solemn occasion meaningful for everyone.

Because of Remembrance Day, Council will have its regular meeting on Tuesday instead of Monday.


You can see the entire package for the meeting at this link:

Council’s agenda is fairly light on Tuesday.  The meeting starts at 2 pm, and you are very welcome to attend!  Here are the highlights:

Compensation review

Council has set a compensation policy that says that we will pay our staff at the 50th percentile for the work they do, compared to the market.  Every now and then, we need to review the external market to see whether we are living up to that policy.  This year, we did one of those reviews, comparing our pay levels to those of other municipalities, to those of other public agencies in the Bow Valley, and (where applicable) to those of private employers in the Bow Valley.

You can see the report about the results, starting on page 11 of the package.  I’m pleased to discover that we’re not looking at any big adjustments, and that 79% of our staff are already paid either at our goal level, or just above or below.  The report also notes that our pay system has become unnecessarily complicated, with 57 different pay grids, and recommends that we collapse similar positions into shared pay grids, taking this number down from 57 to 20.  It also recommends that we work with our province-wide pension provider to provide a range of different options for retirement savings – we now have just one option, a defined benefit program.

I believe that working with the recommendations in this report will take us to a less complicated and more transparent pay system at the Town.

The report also repeats the recommendation that Council has already approved:  to have a public committee examine council/mayor pay levels and make recommendations for the future.

Get Out Banff

Our FCSS group has been successful in getting a provincial grant to work on decreasing indoor and “screen” time and increasing outdoor time among Banffites, especially children.  Their report, starting on page 17 of the package, tells us about this new program, and reminds us that this is a goal we can all contribute to.

Banff.ca redevelopment

As I’ve mentioned before, the town’s communications staff won a contest for a free website makeover, cleverly saving the taxpayers around $30,000.  The new website is running, and new capabilities are being honed and tweaked.  Among other things, you can create your own “dashboard” now, so that the parts of the Town site that matter most to you will be front and centre when you log in.  As well, when the search function is fully operational, you’ll be able to search past agenda packages, something we have not had before.  Read all about it starting on page 19 of the package.


Finance Committee

Starting at 10 am on Tuesday, Council meets as the Finance Committee.  This is a public meeting, and all are welcome.  You can see the full agenda at this link:

A few highlights:

Pre-audit planning:  council will have a brief “in camera” meeting with the auditors.  This is done each year before the audit process starts, to ensure that every item thee auditors should consider has been mentioned to them.

Tangible capital asset policy:  as we have worked our way through the town’s financial reserves, we’ve had a lot of discussion about the reasonable expected lifespan for various capital assets (buildings, vehicles, heavy machinery, roadbeds, etc etc).  You can see the results summarized in a report, starting on page 4 of the package.

Operating reserves:  this report (starting on page 18 of the package) summarizes the levels of the town’s operating reserves, and recommends that we cap the “budget stabilization reserve” at 2% of total expenses.  This reserve is used when we are faced with one-time unforeseen expenses.  I agree with the 2% recommendation.

Third-quarter financial statements and year-end forecast:  As you’ll see in the report, starting on page 21 of the package, lower-than-expected revenues in several areas have contributed to a small deficit being forecast at year-end.   For example, low commodity prices have caused us to miss the mark on recycling revenues by $70,000.   The projected year-end deficit is in spite of good savings from the “hiring squeeze” – the town’s practice of carefully considering and sometimes delaying replacement hires.  Council is being asked to transfer $39,000 from the budget stabilization reserve to cover this deficit.

BHC shareholder meeting

On September 24, council (acting as the BHC shareholder) held a public meeting on the recommendation to change some of the user fees charged to BHC homeowners, for example, the fee paid when a homeowner sells his/her BHC home through the registered resale list.  This public meeting resulted in a range of questions that council asked the BHC board to respond to. 

At 3 pm on Tuesday, the BHC Shareholder will meet to look at the responses from the BHC board.  You can see the entire package for the meeting at this link:

The Board has attempted to provide background on the questions asked, and has also offered the shareholder two alternatives for the resale fee:
1.  The 0.6% fee, as suggested earlier, or
2. The present fee, with inflation added since 2006, plus an addition for newspaper advertizing.

This alternative has been offered, since the change in the mode of fee, from a flat fee to a percentage, had raised some questions at the public meeting.


Development Appeal Board meets on Thursday at 9 a.m.  Bow Valley Regional Transit meets on Friday at 2 p.m.


As always, any opinions expressed in this post are mine alone.  This post does not purport to be an official communication from the Town of Banff or its Council.  I welcome your questions or comments!

All the best until next time -- Leslie

Hello everyone:

Wow – what a whallop of winter!  A bit of a shock as I returned from a warm and sunny vacation. 

But I’m right back at it, as Council has two meetings tomorrow.  Before I talk about those, here’s a bit of information about an opportunity for input ...


I’ve mentioned the Cave Avenue project in my recent email updates.  As promised, Town staff have put up information about the project, including a graphic that clearly compares the width of the current road bed to what will be in place after the project is complete.  This is a chance for you see what is happening and to comment (pro or con) before everything is finalized. 

The link is here:

and the very informative graphic is here:


Finance Committee meets on Monday at 10 a.m., and you can download the package from this page:

Solid waste utility rates

The report that starts on page 4 of the package shows the analysis of how we are doing on the phase-in of the garbage utility, and compares the money received from the garbage utility fees with the cost of doing garbage and recycling.  At the present rates, there is a surplus, but a small deficit is projected in 2014.  The recommendation is that we keep the rates the same at present, in order to make appropriate contributions to the capital reserve for equipment replacement, and also to create a “rate stabilization reserve” that will help prevent fluctuations in rates in the future.

Resource recovery (solid waste utility) capital reserve

The next report (page 12) goes on to analyze the cost of future replacement of equipment for garbage and recycling.  It shows that we are slightly underfunding this reserve at present ($202,000 per year, as compared to a target of $232,000) but explains that the surplus identified above will let us close that gap.

Capital reserves summary

Capital reserves are your community’s “savings accounts” – the money we put away to make sure that when roads need rebuilding, or a sewage treatment plant needs replacement, or any other town infrastructure needs renewal or replacement, the money is there.  As you know from reading these emails, we have been slowly working our way through all the town’s capital reserves, comparing the target amounts that we should be transferring each year with what we are actually doing.  The result of all these discussions is summarized, starting on page 16 of the package.  As you’ll see in the summary, at present, overall at present, we are transferring $807,000 less per year to capital reserves than our target amount.  The good news is that the report states that we could possibly close that gap in 5 years, without overall property tax increases, by continuing follow the town’s policy of “occupying the taxing room” when education tax demands are decreased by the province.


As always, you are very welcome to come and listen in to the council meeting, which starts at 2 pm.  There are two opportunities during the meeting for questions from the gallery about the day’s agenda.  You can download the package from this page:  http://ab-banff.civicplus.com/AgendaCenter/Agendas--Minutes-Banff-Town-Council-14

A few of the highlights:

Heritage Fund

Past councils set aside money to ensure that we could provide grants and tax incentives for the preservation of heritage properties.  This fund has been drawn down somewhat, and now stands at $130,000.  Starting on page 20 of the package, you can read about how this fund has been used, and about alternative proposals to add money back into the fund.

Personally, I believe that we should have this type of funding available.  Preserving our heritage buildings is a benefit to the community as a whole, and some of the costs should be borne by all of us, rather than falling solely on the people who happen to own the property.  I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!

It is interesting, in looking at the report, to see how few private individuals have accessed this funding.  It makes me wonder whether we should have some different degrees of heritage preservation, rather than an “all or nothing” approach.  For example, if someone extensively renovates the interior of a heritage structure, but keeps the heritage facade intact, is that not better than a demolition?  There is a lot of opposition to “facade-ism” in the heritage community, but I think we need to consider that different properties may have different outcomes.

I’m interested in discussing a combination of a tax-supported contribution with an additional fee on demolition of heritage structures (with those revenues to go into the heritage fund).  I think we need to make it less attractive to go to demolition, while at the same time offering financial assistance with preservation.

Taxi fleet fuel efficiency

This report (starting on page 49 of the package) describes the means that various communities have used to encourage (or require) their taxi operators to use more fuel-efficient vehicles.  It makes interesting reading, but the best part is the letter from Banff Transportation on page 53, describing their commitment to greening their fleet over the next eight years, and talking in the most positive terms about how they plan to go about this.

Council honorarium

As you know, it’s always a struggle for elected officials to deal with the question of their own compensation.  At present, Banff town councillors make $17,950 per year, and the mayor makes $35,900.  Each year, council is given the option to adjust this based on an average of the change in Alberta CPI (consumer price index) and the % change in incomes of people working in Banff.  Although council often passes up the opportunity, I think that it is reasonable to ensure that council honoraria keep pace with inflation. 

This report (starting on page 54 of the package) provides that alternative, but also suggests that it may be time for council to convene a committee of public members who can make recommendations on council and mayor honoraria that would become effective after the 2013 election.  I think having this type of committee is a good idea, as it helps to alleviate the impression that some people have that council members are giving themselves unwarranted raises.

Outdoor rink costs

It’s great to see that the outdoor rink at the high school last winter cost much less than anticipated ($27,500 compared to a budget of $51,500) and that the recovery of the turf in the high school field went so well.  Kudos to all involved!  You can see the details starting on page 56 of the package.

How we prioritize road improvement projects

Town staff have done a lot of work to make the decisions on roadway projects both objective and transparent.  You can see all the factors that are considered, and how they are weighted, starting on page 58 of the package.

Capital project update

The Town’s “to-do list” is laid out in this report (page 63-75 of the package) , along with an update on how each project is proceeding.  In some cases, there are “before and after” photos, and some of them are pretty impressive.  In general, it’s been a good year for capital projects, with few having to be delayed.

Of particular interest is the work done to re-design the library entrance, so that it will be more inviting for everyone and also safer for those with mobility issues.  You can see a graphic of what the layout will be.


• Banff Housing Corporation regular board meeting on Friday morning.
• Bow Valley Regional Transit Services Commission meeting on Thursday afternoon.


As always, this blog post presents my point of view only.  This is not an official communication from the Town of Banff or its Council.  I welcome your comments or questions!

All the best until next time -- Leslie

Hello everyone:

What a glorious September we’re having – hope you’re taking full advantage of this wonderful weather!


Cave Avenue reconstruction

At Council’s last meeting, staff volunteered to put the plans for Cave Avenue up on the website, along with the opportunity for public comment.  This hasn’t happened yet, and a few people have asked me how to comment in the meantime.  You can either wait for the comment page to go up on the website, or you can email your comments to the town’s engineering department.  Here is their directory page:


You can see the full package for our Monday regular meeting at this link:  http://www.banff.ca/Assets/Council-Agenda-120924.pdf

As usual, the meeting starts at 2 p.m. at Town Hall, and you’re very welcome to attend.  There are two opportunities in every meeting to ask questions related to the agenda for that meeting.

Here are some of the highlights from the agenda:

Library presentation

Our head librarian will be presenting information on the operation of the library – you can see the full report starting on page 4 of the package.  The library is showing 12% more visitation than this time last year and an increase in membership and – as always – their clients rate them highly on almost all counts (you can see verbatim comments in the report).  Patrons are concerned about a lack of evening hours, and I will be asking why the board distributes the open hours as they do.

Increase in the Town’s staff accommodation rental rates

Council is being asked to increase the rent paid by town staff in our staff accom by 4.43% in 2013.  The town’s staff housing is user-pay; it is not taxpayer-supported.  The proposed increase is to ensure that we are generating enough money to transfer to the staff housing capital reserve, for eventual major repairs and/or replacement of the staff housing units.

Parking and Housing policies

As part of our work on the Land Use Bylaw, some of the parking and housing decisions are being moved out of the bylaw and into policies, to make it easier to amend them from time to time.  (All Land Use Bylaw changes must be approved by the federal minister responsible for Parks Canada, so nimble changes to the LUB are not possible). 

I continue to be concerned about the low rate for parking and housing cash-in-lieu.  In case you haven’t encountered that term before, “cash-in-lieu” is money paid by developers in lieu of meeting their parking and housing requirements.  So, for example, if your development site is not appropriate for parking, then, instead of constructing your required parking, you can pay into the town’s parking reserve.  My problem is that our parking cash-in-lieu rate is $21,000 per stall, far less than it costs to actually create a parking stall.  Similarly, our housing cash-in-lieu is $21,000 per bedroom, far less than it actually costs to put an additional bedroom into the Banff housing market.  However, I debated these points at the first discussion of the policy with no success.

Of course, this under-payment problem is magnified when Planning recommends relaxation to the numbers of required parking stalls, so I am pleased to see that the proposed parking policy strongly discourages such relaxations.


Also on Monday, at 4:30, Council is meeting as the BHC shareholder.  You can see the agenda package at this link:  http://www.banff.ca/Assets/BHC-Shareholder-Agenda-120924.pdf

This meeting is not a decision-making meeting; it is an opportunity for public comment on proposed changes to user fees.  In particular, the BHC is proposing a change to the resale fee (which covers the cost of notifying potential buyers, showing the property, and preparing required documents for the Board) from a present flat fee of $2500 plus GST to a fee of 0.6% of the value of the property.  As part of this change, the BHC proposes to provide newspaper advertizing and website advertizing of properties for sale.

You’re very welcome to attend this meeting and have your say!


On Monday morning, Council meets with staff in a planning session to talk about priority focus areas for 2013. 

On Wednesday morning, I’m delighted to be participating in a tree-planting event at the elementary school.  This event celebrates the contribution of TD Green Streets to our Urban Forest management program.

On Friday morning, the BHC Board has its regular meeting.


I will be on vacation (Sicily!) from September 28 to October 20.  I hope that you will direct any questions or comments that you have during that time to another member of Council – you can find everyone’s contact information on this page: 


As always, this post contains my personal opinions.  This post is not an official communication from the Town of Banff or its Council.  Please send me your questions or comments – I’m always happy to hear from you!

All the best until next time -- Leslie

Hello everyone:

Fall is here and council is back in full swing.  Before I tell you about next week’s meetings, here are some important opportunities for you to “have your say”.


Transportation Master Plan

I know that many of you are very interested in possible transportation solutions for Banff.  The town is looking for residents who are willing to spend a couple of hours in a focus group in mid-September, reviewing and commenting on the draft Master Plan recommendations for improving all types of transportation.  If you’d like to get involved, you can sign up at this link: 


The housing needs study is underway and we’d love to have your input and insights, whether you are already happily housed or are still looking for your long-term home.  There are two separate online surveys (for residents and for business owners) and you can find them at www.banffhousingstudy.com   These surveys are for everyone, not just for those who are or expect to be BHC homeowners.  Please share your knowledge of Banff’s housing needs!

Cave Avenue design

As you’ll see below, the design for Cave Avenue is going out for final public comments soon.  If you live on Cave Avenue, you’ll get direct contact from town staff, asking for your input.  If you live elsewhere, but would like to comment on this design, please let me know and I’ll put you in touch with the right people.


Council meets Monday at 2 pm, and you are very welcome to attend!  You can see the whole agenda package at this link:


Here are some of the highlights:

Return of the Formula Business discussion

Grant Canning will be bringing back the motion for first reading of the bylaw setting a quota on formula businesses, and will be proposing that we have a public hearing in January.  You can see the report starting on page 8 of the package. 

Voting for first reading doesn’t mean that you support the bylaw 100%.  It does mean that you believe that the bylaw merits a public discussion.  As I said the last time this came to council, I think there are strong feelings in the community about this idea (pro and con!) and I think that people expect this topic to be discussed at the council table.  I will be supporting first reading, and look forward to a lively discussion on whether or not townspeople want quotas, at what levels, where in town, and for what types of businesses.  After we’ve had a public hearing, council can publicly debate the bylaw and vote, bringing this issue to a resolution. 

Environmental rebates

A report starting on page 67 of the package suggests that we should dedicate some of our rebate money to encouraging people to sign up for “green power”.  The idea is that the town would pay 20% of the extra cost that you incur for green power for one year, in the hope that people will sign up with this incentive and then will stay signed up over the longer term.

I’m pleased that this idea was raised, because we should always be looking for additional ways to encourage reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.  However, while I’m very supportive of rebates for equipment that continues to generate energy efficiency or water savings year after year (such as programmable thermostats, solar hot water installations, ultra-low-flow toilets, etc.), I question the wisdom of dedicating our dwindling environmental rebate dollars to an operating expense that may or may not continue to create environmental savings in the future.  I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!

Cave Avenue Reconstruction – design review

As you’ll see in a report that starts on page 72 of the package, the design for Cave Avenue is complete and is coming back to council for information before it goes out to the residents one last time.  You can see the design and the schematics in the report.  I completely agree that Cave Avenue and the water and sewer services beneath it need reconstruction.  However, I personally believe that the design as shown will be highly regrettable when built.

Engineering staff have explained to council that this design reflects the feedback they received from open houses.  I have been told that the option of a separate, lighted trail through the woods for bikes and pedestrians, complete with multiple accesses built up to and across the road to get to housing areas, was rejected by the open house participants in favour of the present design, which is a 1.5-metre wide sidewalk, 2 1-metre bike lanes (one on each side), two 3-metre driving lanes, all in the one right-of-way.  In many parts of the roadway, there will be an additional 2.75-metre wide parking lane.

This means that paving that is presently approximately 7 metres wide will be replaced (where there is parking) by paving and concrete that is 12.75 metres wide.  304 mature trees will be removed.   The report states that 112 of these are entirely healthy, and that the others (192) have been compromised by insects, snow piling, construction damage, etc.  The design includes the planting of 304 trees, which will probably be around 6 feet high when planted, but which we can hope will someday grow to be mature, as long as they are not stunted by insects, snow piling, construction damage, etc.

I’ve looked at the record of public engagement for this project, and I do believe that town staff did their best to hear and respond to public comment.  However, I find it amazing that the participants in the open houses would choose to go with a design that one would find in Panorama Hills or Beddington Heights.  I had always thought that Cave Avenue residents, while they were rightly tired of potholes, liked the charm of a quiet, treed street, with a width that discourages speedy travel.  But I may have misunderstood residents’ preferences.  A lot of Cave Avenue residents are on this emailing list – please, let me know what you think.

I have always considered a complete separation of the bike/pedestrian area from the vehicle area to be the gold standard, and circumstances where you can achieve that standard economically are relatively rare.  On Cave Avenue, we already have that separate path – all we need to do is make it more easily accessible from the housing side, make it suitable for four-season use and light it at night.  Instead, we are going to cut a swathe that will accommodate a road suitable to Calgary suburbs, and that will also impinge on the existing forest trail in several places. 

All of this makes me wonder whether open house participants were actually able to picture in their minds what the final result will look like.  There will be one more opportunity for residents to take a look at the final design.  I hope that people will take that opportunity and give serious consideration to whether this is the best future for Cave Avenue.

Graffiti briefing

Starting on page 78 of the package, you can read about how graffiti cleanup is handled in town.  Seasonally, bylaw staff track graffiti occurrences, then ensure that all graffiti is cleaned off Town property, then follow up with utility companies to do the same, finally finishing off with private property.  Graffiti tends to proliferate if previous examples are left up – our regular clean-up campaign works over the long term to diminish the amount of this vandalism that we have to deal with.  If you see graffiti, please use the Town’s online “action request” to report it, so that it will get cleaned up in the next sweep.


Service Review

On Monday and Tuesday, Council will be going through the initial background work on this year’s Service Review document – the plan that lets staff know council’s expectations for levels of service in the coming year.  This document is background for staff as they prepare their draft budgets. 

Early childhood development

Also on Tuesday, Council will be briefed about the Bow Valley’s part of the province-wide study on children’s readiness to learn when they hit kindergarten.  This is a preliminary draft briefing only – full information will be publicly available in October.

Regional Transit

Regional Transit meets on Wednesday – I’m looking forward to an update on our progress toward the fall launch of the Banff-Canmore service.

Banff Housing Corporation

BHC has its regular board meeting on Friday morning.


As always, opinions expressed in this post are mine alone.  This post is not an official communication from the Town of Banff or its Council.  I welcome your comments and questions, and I’m happy to add anyone who wishes to be on the emailing list.

All the best until next time -- Leslie

Hello everyone:

What a beautiful weekend!  When you come in from enjoying the great outdoors, I hope you’ll be able to take a moment to check out what’s happening with Town Council.


There are two online surveys going on right now – I hope you will be interested in providing your input.

Housing Needs Study

At this link http://banffhousingstudy.com/  you can participate in the housing needs study, and/or comment on some of the topics that have been raised on the blog.  This survey is really important to determine the future direction of the Banff Housing Corporation, and of Council’s policies on housing in town.  Please fill it out, even if you’re already comfortably housed.  We need input from the whole community in order to make the right decisions about future housing efforts.

Transportation Master Plan

The town conducted a survey about transportation issues early in the year, and this planning process is moving into its next phase.  You can see the results from the earlier survey, add your thoughts about the issues, or *volunteer for a focus group* at this link http://www.banff.ca/town-hall/major-projects-banff/Transportation_Master_Plan.htm   Yes, I know the website says the focus group will be in April, but on the next level in, you’ll see that the intention is to hold these groups in September, so you still have time to volunteer.  From door-knocking, I know that lots of you are passionate about transportation issues in town – here’s a great way to get involved.


Council will be meeting as the Finance Committee on Monday morning at 10 a.m. and – as always – you are very welcome to attend.  You can see the whole package at this link:
http://www.banff.ca/AssetFactory.aspx?did=4218   and here are a couple of highlights:

Second quarter financial statements and forecast to year-end

You can see the entire report starting on page 5 of the package.  Overall, staff are reporting that we are forecasting a deficit of $23K, down from a forecast deficit of $44K at the end of the first quarter, so things are being moved in the right direction. 

Reserves for staff accommodation, transit, public art, heritage, parking, offsite levies and municipal reserve (green space)

This report, starting on page 30 of the package, tells you all about what amounts are held in these reserves and for what purposes.  The key recommendation is that we need to increase the amount we are contributing to the staff accommodation reserve, in order to be ready to maintain and replace our staff accommodation as necessary.  This won’t affect taxes, as the operation of our staff accommodation is funded by the rents paid by the occupants.  Raising the reserve contribution means raising the rents to pay for it.


Council will be briefed on Monday at 1 p.m. about the progress of the Town’s website update.  You’ll recall that we’re getting this revamping for free from a provider of municipal websites, because our staff did a great job of selling Banff as the perfect location for a showcase website for the company.


Council meets at 2 p.m. on Monday, and we’d love to see you in the gallery.  As always, there are two opportunities during the meeting for public questions about items on this agenda.  Here’s the link to the package: 


Highlights include:

Banff Volunteer Centre report

Didn’t we just have one of these, you say?  Well, yes, but this update is more meaty and informative, with specifics about how the BVC is addressing the volunteer needs of the community, real numbers around effectiveness, and concrete steps they are taking and will be taking.  You can see the report starting on page 4 of the package.  Hats off to the BVC for hearing Council’s concerns at our previous meeting, and responding to them.

Public art project

The Public Art Committee has responded to Council’s concerns about their temporary art proposal by coming up with a project that costs less, that is more long-term, that is more publicly visible and that has a private partner.  The new proposal will see art mounted on the east-facing wall of Town Hall and on the south-facing wall of the Bear Street Mall.  Four different artists will be featured over the 5-year life of the installations, and the public will get input into the artist choice.  The mounting hardware is reusable for future art displays.  With these modifications, I now think this is a good project and will be supporting it.


After Council is over, council members will be meeting as the BHC shareholders.  You can see the meeting agenda package at this link:

A key piece here is the recommendations on user fees.  Although most fees are recommended to stay at their present levels, the BHC board is recommending a change in resale fees for equity-share properties to 0.6% of the value of the home.  You can see the whole report starting on page 5 of the package.  The shareholder meeting will not make a decision on this report, rather, we will be setting a date for a public hearing on the proposed changes.

The package also includes the BHC’s report on the various housing benchmarks for Banff.  You can see the numbers starting on page 25 of the agenda package.


As always, this update gives my personal point of view.  This email is not an official communication of the Town of Banff or its Council.  If you want off the list, just let me know – I promise not to whine.  If you have friends who’d like to join the list, I’d love to hear from them.

All the best until next time -- Leslie

Leslie Taylor
Box 2275 Banff Alberta T1L 1C1
ph 403-762-3926
fax 403-762-3926