Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  As the turkey roasts to golden perfection, perhaps you have a moment to read about Tuesday’s council meeting ...


First, a reminder that council moves to Tuesday this week, because of the holiday Monday.  The meeting will be at 2 pm in council chambers, and – as always – you are very welcome to attend.  There are two opportunities in each meeting for members of the public to ask questions about items on the day’s agenda.  You can see the whole agenda package at this link:

Here are a few highlights:

Report on Library Benchmarks

You can see how the Banff Public Library’s usage, collection size, and cost compares to others in the province by taking a look at the detailed report from the library, starting on page 3 of the package.  Lots of good news here:  our library is free to users, we fund our library by more per capita than the average community in Alberta, we have 2.5 times the visits per capita of the average community, we have a large library collection for our size, and our library gets excellent reviews from its users.

Skateboards, 11 pm – 7 am

The bylaw amendment is coming back to council for second and third reading.  This amendment would lift the present ban on skateboard use between the hours of 11 pm and 7 am.  As you’ll recall, I asked council to wait until this meeting for final consideration, in order to give people on the other side of the question a chance to comment.  The town has received only three requests to keep the ban in place, along with over a dozen requests to lift it.  It therefore appears to me that the concern about noise is not as widespread as I had thought.   With all that in mind, I’m feeling inclined to vote to lift the ban – although, of course, I’ll listen to any additional comments at Council on Tuesday.  I will be asking council, however, to place a mark in the council calendar for this to come back for a follow-up report a year from now, just to see what the consequences of changing the bylaw have been at that point.

By the way, an interesting side effect of this whole conversation has been reading people’s comments about what they believe cyclists are and aren’t required to do at night.  Just to help clear this up, I will mention that the Alberta Highway Traffic Safety Act requires cyclists travelling at night to have a white light at the front, a red light at the rear, and reflectors visible from the sides.  Fines are listed for those not complying.

Water and sewer rates

Council is being asked to phase in water and sewer rate increases over the next 20 years, to ensure that our capital reserves are ready for the necessary repairs and maintenance that will come up.  If we go with the 20-year option, the effect on the average residence in 2012 would be a $20 increase, assuming levels of consumption stayed the same.  I think this is a small price to pay to guarantee our clean water and clean river into the future, so I’m inclined to go with this recommendation, although council will also be considering a 40-year phase-in.  You can see the whole report starting on page 40 of the package.

Two new 1-bedroom units, but more costs than expected

The town has a staff housing reserve, which is built up from rental revenue from staff housing units.  The purpose of the reserve is to make sure that we can repair and replace units as we need to. 

At present, the town is working on a project to build two new one-bedroom units into the basement of an existing town-owned house on Cougar St.  This is being done to meet the housing requirements that were part of the Rec Centre redevelopment.  Council had approved a $125K budget, with $42K from the Rec Centre contribution and the remainder from the staff housing reserves.  Unfortunately, tenders came in higher than expected and – between that and some proposed environmental upgrades, we’re being asked to increase the budget for the project to $183,000 (the additional money will come from the staff housing reserves).

I agree in principle with providing more housing, and with environmental upgrades.  I will be asking about the design process, however, since we not only have a project going over its designed budget, but we also have a huge spread in the tenders, which leads me to wonder whether the design and specs were clear enough for builders to do good bids.

You can see the whole report starting on page 48 of the package.

Transportation planning

Starting on page 55 of the package, you’ll see a briefing report on the town’s ongoing work on transportation planning.  Perhaps the most interesting part is on pages 69-74, where the writer compares our 1998 transportation plan objectives with what is in place in 2011.  It’s actually rather encouraging to see the progress on many fronts, although – of course – new problems emerge.  The town is working on a transportation plan update, and you can see the details of how this will be done in the report.

Farmers’ Market 2012

Council is being asked to lay out the conditions under which a farmers’ market could take place in 2012.  The suggestion is that it would run weekly for 14 weeks, rather than 10 as it did this year.  When you look at the report (starting on page 81 of the package) it is pretty disappointing to see the tiny amount of user feedback that was collected, and – although the planning department did interview local businesses – business feedback is not included in the report.  So I will have some questions to ask about this, especially since council emphasized the need for such feedback when we gave permission for the pilot project. 

My own personal observations would suggest that the market was a success and that residents enjoyed it (I sure did!) and that it did not appear to create major disruption for traffic or for other businesses.  But one person’s personal observation is a pretty flimsy foundation for decision-making. I’d like to support it for next year, but would be happy to hear what you think!


Opinions expressed in this post are mine alone.  This post does not purport to represent the position(s) of the Town of Banff or its Council. 




Wow, what a bonus!  Having a weekend of “summer” at the end of September is really something!  I guess it makes up for those weekends of “winter” that we had in June. 

Welcome to new members to my email list!  Just a reminder to existing members – if you find these updates useful, take a moment to send an email to a few of your friends and suggest they join the list.  Growing the list really helps me to get the word out about what’s going on at council and opportunities to get involved.


Many thanks to everyone who volunteered for this group!  Here’s a list of the membership (alternates are people who step in when others are away):
• Public members: Scott McElhone, Marc Ledwidge, Patrick Roi, Allan Buckingham, and Elizabeth Hogg (alternate)
• Town of Banff Councillors: Brian Standish and Stavros Karlos;
• Banff Lake Louise Hotel Motel Association: Gord Lozeman and Frank Denouden (alternate);
• Commercial landlord representative: Graeme Nunn and Ossi Treutler Jr. (alternate);
• Food and beverage industry representative: Nigel Walker and James Sachkiw (alternate);
• Retail industry representative: Suzannah Patmois and Bec Johnson (alternate);
• Municipal Planning Commission representative: David Bayne and Jay Harris (alternate)

The meetings are open to the public.  This 11-member committee is not dealing with the whole LUB.  They will make recommendations back to council on three very specific issues, as directed by council:
• A proposal to reduce the number of permitted uses for Grocery Store and Service Station properties in Banff.
• A proposal to enact distinct regulations for formula fast food businesses in Banff.
• Providing feedback to Council on required housing and parking for commercial development in Banff.
Everyone in town will have the opportunity to comment on the recommendations when they come back to council – there will be at least one public hearing on these items.


You can see the whole package at this link:


Construction waste diversion

Starting on page 3 of the package, you can see information about how construction waste in the Bow Valley is diverted from landfill, thanks to the work of the Bow Valley Regional Waste Management Commission. 

Skateboarding at night – have your say!

Council asked for a revised bylaw to come back for consideration.  The revisions would lift the ban on skateboards as a mode of transportation between 11 pm and 7 am.  Council is being asked to approve three readings tomorrow.  However, I have heard from several of you who would like to make presentations to council about late-night skateboarding, so I will be asking council to just give first reading at this meeting, and to wait until the next meeting to consider the bylaw further.  That will give you a chance to have your say at the October 10 meeting of council.  You can find the information about how to express your opinion to council at this link:  http://www.banff.ca/town-hall/banff-town-council/connect.htm  The most effective way to be heard is to get yourself on the meeting agenda as a “delegation” – that means you get to make a brief presentation to council before they consider the bylaw amendment.

2011 Municipal Census 

You’ll find the full report of this fascinating snapshot of our community, starting on page 28 of the package. If you’re like me, you’ll want to compare these numbers with those from the 2007 survey, which you can find at this link:



Here are just a few of the fascinating factoids (Banff By the Numbers!)

Total population:
2007:  8721
2011:  8244

Percentage of males:
2007:  49.57%
2011:  50.5%

Number of people who identify themselves primarily as homemakers:
2007:  125
2011:  93

Percentage of total population that is 19 or younger:
2007:  14.2%
2011:  17.8%

Number of retired people:
2007:  413
2011:  402

Percentage of people who walk or bike to work in summer:
2007:  55%
2011:  48.9%

Population numbers affect our ability to access some provincial grants.  And trends in census figures for housing, age groups, and so on, help the town and others plan for future needs of the community.

Illegal dumping

I know that many of you are as distressed as I am when you see the mess that some people leave beside our community waste containers.  The Town has tried hard to make it easy for people to get rid of unwanted and over-size items.  Every Friday, there is an over-size item pickup – all you have to do is book ahead at 403-762-1240.  Here’s the link with info about the program:  http://www.banff.ca/locals-residents/social-services-programs/waste-garbage/unwanted.htm


However, in spite of this effort, the illegal dumping problem continues to grow.  A report starting on page 66 of the package proposes some ideas for next steps we could take.  I’m inclined to try the intermediate solution (putting special pickup bins out once per week at problem locations) before we go to the recommended solution (an extra staff member and specially equipped truck to provide more door-to-door and roaming pickup).

The town’s website

A briefing report starting on page 71 of the package gives some interesting information about current use of the town’s website (600,000 unique visitors per year!) and some thoughts about what we should consider in updating the website.

Completion of the Recreation Centre project

Read this report, starting on page 75, to find out all the great things about this project:  the major items that were re-used, the ongoing energy and water efficiency, and the benefits to 40-mile Creek.  AND $1.6 million under budget, requiring less borrowing than was originally planned.  Many people worked very hard to make this project come out so well – huge kudos to all involved.  Pat them on the back next time you see them around town!


As always, this post presents my point of view only.  It does not purport to represent the opinions of the Town of Banff or its Council.  I welcome your comments or questions on any of the items!





Hello everyone:

What an amazing day!  Hope you all had a chance to get out and enjoy it!

Here are a few highlights of what’s going on with council ...


First thing Monday morning, I’ll be greeting our new transit manager, Koji Miyaji, as he arrives for his first day of work.  I’m delighted that the regional transit commission will have a staff member in place who can get working on the many items coming out of the commission’s business plan. 


Also on Monday morning, I’ll be joining the other councillors in a tour of the sewage treatment plant.  I’ve done this twice before and always found it very interesting – no, I’m not kidding!  If you’ve never had a tour of the plant, look for an opportunity – maybe you could go along when one of your kids is going on a school tour.  We’re very proud of the good quality of our effluent as it goes back into the Bow River.  As residents of the headwaters, all of us here in Banff have a special responsibility to everyone downstream, and we work hard to live up to it.


You can find the overall package for Monday’s meeting at this link:


Here are some of the key items that will be on the agenda.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts on any of these items:

Land Use Bylaw – appointing working group members

We’ve had a very good response to the request for volunteers for this committee.  Kudos to all of you who have volunteered!  At the Monday meeting, Council will appoint the members:
• four public members (+ one alternate public member);
• two Town of Banff Councillors;
• one Banff Lake Louise Hotel Motel Association representative (+ one alternate member);
• one commercial landlord representative (+ one alternate member);
• one food and beverage industry representative (+ one alternate member);
• one retail industry representative (+ one alternate member);
• one Municipal Planning Commission representative
You can read the whole report starting on page 7 of the package.

Sewer mains condition report

Starting on page 19 of the package, you can read about the project to assess and document the condition of the town’s wastewater mains.  You’ll probably find page 23 of the package the most interesting part – that’s where you can see a map of what’s been assessed and whether those pipes are in very good, good, fair, poor, or very poor condition.  This is an excellent, clear representation of where we’re doing OK, and where we have problems.

Although the report states that the project is “on budget”, it also states that 60% of the originally intended work has been done, for almost 100% of the money budgeted.  That’s an unusual definition of “on budget”, and I’ll be asking about the disconnect.

Bike share system

You’ll recall that BCHS students did an excellent report to council, recommending that we consider introducing a bike share system in the Town of Banff – something like the Velib system in Paris or the Bixi Bikes in Montreal.  Council asked admin to look into this further, and you can see the report starting on page 25 of the package. There’s also a map on page 34 of the package, showing the 13 locations throughout Banff where rental bikes are already available.

While bike share sounds at first like a good fit for Banff, we might get a better bang for our buck by concentrating on making sure that visitors can find the existing rental locations, and that there are lots (and lots) of bike racks for people to use.  The one area that does not seem to be well-served is Tunnel Mountain (campgrounds and hotels), so perhaps a solution that focuses on that area would be a good idea.  Needless to say, any bike share system there would involve a lot of ferrying of bikes back up the hill.

Street banner policy

Council will be asked to look at a draft policy on street banners (the rectangular banners that hang on poles in the downtown and along St Julien).  The policy covers aspects such as design, length of hanging, how much area can be covered by the name and logo of a sponsor, fees, etc.  You can see the whole report starting on page 44 of the package.

I think this is a good first attempt, but I have some suggestions to make to council.  I will be asking that the references to national park and world heritage site values be returned to the draft policy (they are presently proposed for removal).  I also will be asking to diminish the area on banners that can be covered by commercial sponsor names and logos, and to tighten up the criteria for applying for a fee waiver.  Right now, almost everyone is covered by the categories shown on the waiver application.  There is a real cost to taxpayers every time we hang these banners, and waiving the fees makes it impossible to recover that cost.

Public art

Council will be asked to approve an $11K public art project to create three pieces of art that will hang outdoors for 6 months each.  Then a smaller indoor version of the same pieces will be framed and hung in the town’s permanent collection.  As I’ve mentioned before, I’m distressed to see us spending our few public art dollars on temporary work, when the permanent sculptures are so well loved by residents and visitors alike.  I wonder whether this money could have been a “lead contribution” toward a fund to keep the bear at the Whyte Museum in Banff, for example.  I’m also concerned that the proposed hanging location (on the back of Town Hall, facing the alley) will be seen by relatively few people.  I will be asking whether a different, more prominent location could be considered.

Increases to Kids Kampus fees

Starting on page 62 of the package, a report details proposed increases to the fees for Kids Kampus, the program that provides activities for children in Grades 1 – 6 on days when school is not in session.  While I understand the need for the fee increase, I will be checking to ensure that we are communicating with the parents affected, and that they will receive reasonable warning of the increases.

WWTP Operation

Council will be briefed “in camera” on some items related to the operation of the wastewater treatment plant, because some of the information that will be shared is confidential business information belonging to EPCOR, our contractor.  Council does not make any decisions or pass any motions when it is “in camera”.  Any decisions resulting from this discussion will be made in a public meeting.


As always, any opinions expressed in this post are mine alone.  This post does not purport to represent the point of view of the Town of Banff or its Council. 

Hello everyone:
What a beautiful weekend!  It was fun to see the ``beach scene`` at Cascade Ponds and Johnson Lake yesterday.
Tomorrow, Council has three – count `em, three – meetings.  Highlights are below ...
You can see the full package for the finance committee meeting at this link:
Council will be looking at the second quarter financial results and the forecast to year-end.  The package shows a forecast $30K surplus at year-end.  It also shows a savings in the wages & benefits area of $274K, which is more than council had directed at budget time.  However, increased expenses in other areas have eaten up part of that extra saving.  You can see the full report starting on page 5 of the package.
At the finance meeting, council will also be looking at the recommendations for water and sewer rates over the next few years.  Our water and sewer services are self-funded utilities – that means that the fees you pay for water and sewer cover all the costs of operating the systems, plus the costs of maintaining and renewing the pipes, pumps, plant and so on.  This means that we have to look far ahead to ensure that our capital reserves will be there when a major piece of infrastructure needs replacing.  The report (which starts on page 35 of the package) shows that we`re doing OK on the water utility, but that we will be underfunded in future in the sewer utility.  In order to prevent a situation where the town suddenly has to come up with multi-millions, administration is recommending a 9% increase in sewer rates in 2011 and 2012, and then 9.58% per year from 2013 – 2021.  This will get us to the reserve levels that we need.  A steeper rate of increase was proposed earlier, but this new proposal spreads it out a bit, in response to feedback from the public.  I will be supporting this proposal – which will be no surprise, as I have always been vocal about ensuring that our capital reserves are at the level that they should be.
You can see the full package for the council meeting at: 
Here are some of the highlights ...
Land Use Bylaw working group
In response to feedback about the directions in Phase 2 of the Land Use Bylaw, council is putting together a working group to examine the potential economic impact of spot-zoning grocery stores and service stations, the potential economic impact of extra regulations for formula fast-food businesses, and the levels of parking and housing requirements that go with commercial development in the Town of Banff.  You can see the report about this, starting on page 11 of the package.
I think the working group is a good idea, although I will be suggesting some process changes in the wording of the terms of reference.  There are spaces for four members of the general public on this committee, and I hope you will consider putting your name forward.  These are issues that have generated a lot of heat in the town – now it`s time to shed some light, and you can be part of that.
Financial contribution to Legacy Trail extension
Council has been asked to commit $50K to the project to connect the Legacy Trail from the East Gate into Harvie Heights.  Canmore is being asked for the same amount, and the province has committed $200K.  I think most people have had a chance to see the safety issues going on right now as cyclists attempt to get from one trail to the other.  It would be great to see those fixed, and it has been a long haul attempting to persuade the province to allow this, so kudos to all those who hung in there and kept the pressure on.  I will be supporting this expenditure.
I am distressed to see that the MD of Bighorn council believes that this connection is ``not important to the businesses or residents of Harvie Heights``, and that the MD will therefore not contribute financially.  Gosh, I thought there were cyclists living in Harvie Heights, but apparently not.
You can see the full report, starting on page 29 of the package.
Skateboarding regulations
You have probably seen the flurry of discussion about skateboarding that has taken place lately, along with some pretty interesting assumptions about why we have skateboarding regulations.  This was prompted by council asking to see a history of the skateboarding regulations and enforcement in the town of Banff.  You can see that report starting on page 33 of the package.  It is possible that council will be looking at a request to lift the 11 pm to 7 am ban.
Starting on page 35, you can see a report about the current status of the skatepark, which was reopened in July after a major session of repair and maintenance.  Plans for the future will be part of the Banff Recreation Master Plan.
The final meeting of the day will be the BHC shareholders` meeting – you can see the entire package at this link:
After the last meeting, when council looked at a proposal for increasing the annual administration fees charged to BHC homeowners, there were some questions about further detail on the proposal.  The BHC board has provided answers to those questions (report starts on page 7 of the package) and now council, acting as the BHC shareholder, will once again be looking at the decision on whether to increase admin fees.
Al the best `til next time!  Leslie